Benchmark determination in Duhok province (Iraq)

Posted By admin | 2020-11-27 00:05:13 | benchmark orientation of stereocouple satellite images |

Benchmark determination in Duhok province (Iraq)

Assignment name: WebGis e Gestione documentale per la ricostruzione di Mosul Customer:ARS Progetti
Country: Iraq Duration: 20 days
Start date: September 2014 Completion date: Setptember 2014

Narrative description of Project::

As part of the 2038 master plan project for the cities of Ba'adre, Zawita, Bamarne and Shekhan in the governorate of Dahuk - IRAQ, the benchmarks for the orientation of four pairs of satellite images were positioned and surveyed.

Benchmarks have been integrated into the governorate's fixed network.

The work was preparatory for the orientation of the four stereo pairs of satellite images.


Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

All the phases necessary for the realization of the monographs.