Realize your private cloud, not entrust your files to strangers. All your data will always be available on every device, you will not have to worry about making backups.
You will always have the latest online version of your files with the possibility to recuperate previous versions.
Our solution is economic, solid and pratical based on an open source software.
Our cloud is a flexible solution to synchronize files and sharing them.
Whether you are using a mobile device, a personal computer, workstation or web access, ownCloud allows to keep your files always handy on every device, in a simple, safe, private way and specially under your control.
Some of Cloud functions:
- Manage your Cloud Servers without relying on third parties;
- Access your data from all mobile devices and regardless of the operating system;
- Synchronize your device;
- Share with anyone you like, what you want;
- Streaming audio and video from your browser;
- Read texts and documents from the web;
- Upload files with Drag and Drop;
- Change the theme of your profile;
- Migration and backup of the entire profile;
- Your calendar online;
- Photo Galleries;
- E-mail management;
- Data Access via WebDAV;
- Possibility to connect external storage like DropBox, Amazon S3, FTP, Google Drive, Open Stack Swift, SMB and WebDAV to manage everything from a single interface;
- Manages the versioning of files in sync;
- Encrypted files stored on the storage server during the upload.
Our cloud solutionis a safe, modular and customizable alternative in comparison to Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Swift and all proprietary systems of cloud storage.
Open source ensures to the product the safety resulting from the community of users and developers giving everyone the opportunity to realize its own cloud without entrust business data to strangers.
The proposed cloud is also provided as an application to create your own cloud using business infrastructure. This allows you to have the data always safe and not on external servers.
Save your files, folders, contacts, photos, calendars and more to the cloud from any device. Your data will always be at your disposal from any device (mobile, desktop, web) and wherever you are.
your files, contacts, photo galleries, calendars and more synchronized between your devices. A folder, two folders, and more. You can obtain the latest version of the files with the desktop and web client or mobile app of your choice, at any time.
Share your data with others, you can give access to any type of data: photo galleries, your calendar, music, or any other type of file. You can make any file public or private with with a few people, with a group; a new way to share your data always safely and without losing their control.
The main navigation has been redesigned to be clearly differentiated from the in-app navigation.
You do not have to worry about anything, we are able to follow you at all stages of the supply, installation, configuration and support.