Posted By
admin | 2020-11-06 16:35:46
| crm, vtiger, crm open source
Customer Relation-ship management
Your office with you wherever you are; creates a new relationship with the client, learn to know him better, anticipates his needs.
Designed to be the working tool of every person in the company, because the functions manage all business relationships involving an undertaking;
The solution CRM Customer Relation-ship Management is useful for any business that wants to manage their customers, maximize the operations of the sales force and improve the quality of after sales service.
It 'a completely Open Source, developed and supported by the international community.
It 'a robust and practical, plus being developed for modules can be gradually implemented in the company.
The main advantages are highlighted from the first approach with the procedure. In particular:
- Central role in the management of information: all the information about your customers, potential customers and their assistances are in the same environment . You will not lose anything.
- Iteration between the various business units: finally the Marketing campaign will know how to report a sales office and the administrative office will have all the information about the customer , as well as post-sales will always be up-dated.
The program has a pleasant and easy web-based interface that is used and navigates like a website. Along with the ease of use, web-based solution allows you to query the CRM system remotely in a very intuitive and effective. The CRM server can then be in-stalled as needed on a single PC on a corporate server , on a server re-mote which is accessed via the Internet.
The concept of Customer Relation-ship Management (CRM) is linked to the concept of customer loyalty.
In a company "Market -oriented" the market is no longer represented only by the customer but from the surrounding environment , with which the company must establish lasting relationships short and long term, taking into account the values of the individual / client, society and the environment . So the customer care is crucial and decisive. For this reason, the mar-keting management must plan and implement appropriate strategies to manage such an important resource .
CRM goes basically in three different directions and separate:
- The loyalty of customers who are more relationship with the company ("Customer focus")
- The increase in relations with major customers ("Customers land")
- The acquisition of new customers ("prospects")
Through the Web-based interface you will have the feeling of surfing on a website.
No licensing fees for the implementation of the solution.
Through the Web-based interface you will have the feeling of surfing on a website.
You can choose the modules to be activated at any time. Add new fields in each module so quick and easy and require customization to meet specific needs.
You do not have to worry about anything, we are able to follow you in all phases of the supply, installation, configuration and support.
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