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admin | 2020-11-05 17:40:31
| document management, Alfresco, Geodoc
Services for the Document Management System
The archive of a company allows you to have information on the history of the company, through the documents of an administrative, commercial and general.
There is a close correlation between the filing of documents and practices with the organization of the work.

Any company, regardless of the field in which we operate, makes its employees and fully aware of the vital role that covers the storage for your own business, a greater understanding of the problems connected to it, then, can only result in better work organization.
“Our mission is to transform documents into information and distribute them in a simple and efficient way, with the aim to create added value and competitive advantage for our customers.”
Our proposal, document management, is based on Alfresco.
Introducing Alfresco can be made completely transparent to the end user, who will continue to work as if they still had a network share disk, while new features will be available to him as:
• Simple searches, and advanced full-text
• Version management and the historic changes
• Mechanisms Workflow
• System of comments and discussions on documents
• Metadata management
• Security policies to restrict access and / or how to use the document
• A system of rules for process automation
The result in the use of Alfresco is a great saving of time and money, documents can now be found easily found with a simple full-text search, confidential documents can now be protected with a simple click and so on.
We offer products, services and consulting for:Reorganization and reorganization of archives
- Taking digital documents bulk volumes or bound documents (including large format)
- Document Indexing and Data Entry
- Dematerialisation of documents
- Long-term storage (Consignment)
- Services Repository for the management of digital documents
Reorganization and reorganization archives.
Our experts will analyze your documents, your way of working and we propose a reorganization aimed at improving the business productivity.
Taking digital documents bulk volumes or bound documents (including large format)
Depending on the type of documents you use, we are able to advise you on the purchase of the necessary hardware or scan your behalf, our park hardware allows us to treat all kinds of documents:
Planetary Microfilm up to A0
Scanner rotary high-speed
Digital planetarium up to A1
Robotic scanner for books and volumes
Microfilm scanner high speed
Scanner for maps and drawings
Document Indexing and Data Entry
Once the scan we can organize the data entry and indexing your file.
Dematerialisation of documents
Services Repository for the management of digital documents
The user has a simple and flexible which interact to manage documents. Via the CIFS protocol you can also manage documents in Alfresco as if you were working on a Windows folder. This way of working allows you to replace the network drive shared with Alfresco without changing the way users work.
The possibility of accessing at any time to our documents quickly and easily, from any device, so protected, both in intranet and internet.
Alfresco allows you to replace the standard network drive with a centralized repository of documents organized and structured in a totally personalized
a powerful search engine allows us to immediately identify our documents based on the value of the search fields or their content.
The ability to define the flow of documents with the assignment of permits and approvals depending on the role anytime allow to know at what point is a specific document and to speed up the formal procedures.
Through the IMAP protocol, you can use Alfresco for mail storage business; effectively managing the email as if it were a document any. Moreover, by the rules of automation of processes, you can define filters for the division of email by sender, by priority, the object; You can define your redirects to forward emails that meet certain requirements and much more.
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